Font Name : Stylish Signature Handwritten ScriptAuthor : Mila GarretWebsite : : Free for personal use / DemoCommercial License Website : by : Maximilian Burch
From our desk:
Introducing Stylish Signature, the ultimate font for a signature look! Created by Mila Garret, this modern and minimal script font is perfect for adding a chic elegance to your designs. Whether you're working on wedding stationery, logos, personal branding, social media quotes, or any other project, Stylish Signature has got you covered.
One of the standout features of Stylish Signature is its 127 handwritten ligatures. These glyphs of two or more letters allow you to create a truly unique and personalized look for your designs. Additionally, the font includes a full set of alternate capitals, making it perfect for signature logos that use the same first letter in both names.
Stylish Signature also comes equipped with all the standard alphabet and punctuation, an extra set of alternate uppercase, and a wide range of stylistic alternates and ligatures. This means you have everything you need to create stunning designs with ease.
But that's not all – Stylish Signature is also PUA encoded, ensuring that it's compatible with a wide range of software and applications. And with multilingual characters included, you can create designs in languages from around the world.
Overall, Stylish Signature is a must-have for anyone looking to add a touch of class and elegance to their designs. So why wait? Get your hands on this stunning font today and take your designs to the next level!