Font Name : Ostuni | A Modern Signature ScriptAuthor : Jen WagnerWebsite : : Free for personal use / DemoCommercial License Website : by : Quinn McNamara
From our desk:
Introducing Ostuni, the Modern Signature Script font that will revolutionize your designs! Created by the talented Jen Wagner, this font was born out of a desire for a messy, signature script that would add a unique touch to logos, labels, and more. Get ready to unleash your creativity with Ostuni!
One of the biggest benefits of Ostuni is its messy, handwritten feel. Whether you're going for a practical or abstract look, this font will add a touch of authenticity and charm to your designs. Stand out from the crowd and captivate your audience with the organic flow of Ostuni.
But that's not all! Ostuni comes packed with alternates for each letter, allowing you to swap out regular letters for more realistic versions when they appear close to each other. Say goodbye to repetitive patterns and hello to a truly natural-looking script.
If you're working on larger-scale projects or creating logos, you'll love the textured vector version of Ostuni. This feature enables you to bring your designs to life with a unique texture, adding depth and dimension to your work. The possibilities are endless!
International designers rejoice! Ostuni offers non-English support, allowing you to cater to a global audience. Break down language barriers and connect with clients and customers from all corners of the world.
To truly elevate your designs, pair Ostuni with Helvetica Bold. The combination of these two fonts is simply stunning and will give your work a professional and eye-catching edge. Take your designs to new heights and create a visual masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression.
With 77 ligatures included, Ostuni provides a truly handwritten feel. Each stroke and curve is meticulously crafted to bring your words to life. Let your creativity flow and watch as your designs flourish with the unique charm of Ostuni.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to download Ostuni and unleash your creative potential. Embrace the messy, signature script that will set your designs apart from the rest. Elevate your work with the captivating power of Ostuni and leave a lasting impression on your audience.