Font Name : Manchester Signature Classy- 20% OFFAuthor : yadi setiawanWebsite : : Free for personal use / DemoCommercial License Website : by : William Clark
From our desk:
Looking for the perfect font for your graphic design projects? Look no further than Manchester Signature Classy! Created by the talented Yadi Setiawan, this handwriting font is perfect for creating signature logos and watermarks for your photography studio or personal photography logo.
With its elegant, professional, and unique style, Manchester Signature Classy is sure to elevate your branding game. Its lowercase alternative mimics handwriting with a pen, making it ideal for personalized signatures, logos, watermarks, and more. This font is simple yet luxurious, giving your designs a high-end feel that will impress your clients and customers.
And with 20% off, now is the perfect time to try Manchester Signature Classy for yourself. Included in the package are the OTF, TTF, and WOFF versions of the font. But that's not all - Yadi Setiawan has plans for an italic or slant version in the future, making this font even more versatile for all your design needs.
So why wait? Create a custom personal signature or logo with Manchester Signature Classy today and take your branding to the next level. If you have any questions about the font, don't hesitate to reach out to the Typeline studio team. Thank you for choosing Manchester Signature Classy!